How to De-Stress Your Life

Why are you so stressed?
Really ask yourself, "Why am I so stressed?" Are you stressed because of things you CAN control but choose not to face, or are you stressed because of things you CAN'T control and choose to struggle with anyway?
Tip: Either way, try to separate your problems into different categories, maybe by order of importance (by deadlines or urgency) or by order of difficulty (easy to hardest or vice versa)!
1. Free Resources
- Visit your local university for their training clinic
- Access your local community organizations and/or support groups
- Talk to your Human Resources officer at work
- Look for online, chat-type counseling OR call a hotline
- Explore free websites that offer guided relaxation or calming games
2. Mind > Matter
- Focus on one problem at a time
- Committ to loving your life and yourself for what it is now
- Enjoy what you have right now and what you can work towards
- Don't worry about what other people have to say about you
- Make time to talk to your friends and family
3. Get Physical
- Try controlled breathing exercises
- Take a quick, 20-25 minute nap
- Drink water, stretch, and walk around (even if it's just in your house!)
- Write out your feelings in a journal or as a poem
- Listen to your favorite songs and dance like no one's looking
- Clean your living space and de-clutter
"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
—James Baldwin
What are YOUR relaxation methods? Do you have any specific suggestions for new or returning students going back to school?
Comment below and let us know!
How to Get Therapy for Less than $10