Going Back to School as a Single Parent

If you’re a single parent and are unemployed or struggling to get by in a dead-end job, one of the best ways to improve your situation is by going back to school. However, one of the most common problems facing many single parents today is how to pay for childcare while attending school. Many single parents have family that can help, but some of us need a more reliable and stable child care solution. We have included some helpful resources below.
Department of Public Social Services (DPSS)
The Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) offers programs to help parents achieve self-sufficiency and independence by helping them find training and work. Additional services include referrals for childcare and assistance overcoming possible barriers to employment.
With the CalWORKS program, clients receive temporary financial assistance and assistance finding employment. To participate in this program, your income must be under the State maximum limit for the size of your family. Subsidized child care is available for participating families for children up to the age of 12. For children that are severely disabled or special needs, the age limit is up to 18 years old. Children that are 11 or 12 years old are usually placed in a program that provides before and after school care.
There are three stages to the CalWORKS Child Care Program that can cover you during training for employment. Families may continue to receive child care assistance until their children exceed the age limit or your family income exceeds 70 percent of California’s median income.
VA National Education for Employees Program (VANEEP)
With VANEEP, participants can pursue training for healthcare positions that are in demand. VANEEP will provide a scholarship to eligible participants in exchange for working at a VA facility for full salary, during breaks from their full-time school program. This salary can help with child care expenses. With these programs, you can overcome child care obstacles and work toward a better life for you and your family while obtaining the training you need to achieve your career goals.
The Children’s Home Society of California (CHS)
The Children’s Home Society of California also offers subsidized childcare programs for low income families. Some of these programs allow parents to select their own approved provider and then reimburse the providers for a portion or all of the childcare cost. You can check your eligibility here. You may also want to take some time to check out the Child Care Resource Center for a list of providers, eligibility forms, and other helpful information.
Going back to school while raising little ones can be tough. Taking advantage of the many resources available is crucial to any parents success. Remember that you’re not alone and it’s not impossible.
Going back to school while raising little ones can be tough. Taking advantage of the many resources available is crucial to any parents success. Remember that you’re not alone and it’s not impossible.
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