Addressing Covid-19

Starting school can both be exciting and nerve-racking during this pandemic. We want to ensure you that Angeles Institute is doing everything we can to give you the best education possible while following CDC guidelines. Our campus director has released the statement below:
“Hello prospective students and family members I am Scott Coward the Campus Director of Angeles Institute. As Campus Director I am very aware of the current pandemic and are doing everything I can to ensure the health and welfare of our students and visitors. We have COVD-19 policies in place that follow the CDC guidelines. We do social distancing when possible and wear masks when we are not 6 feet apart. We have cleaning procedures for the offices, front desk area, classrooms and labs. As a Registered Nurse I am also aware of our duties as nurse and student nurse to the patients we care for. Our career path has risks, but with everyone help and by following proper procedures we can reduce the risks and stay healthy and safe.”
Thank you,
John Scott Coward, BSN
Campus Director